Gas prices are so high that buying fuel for a car is starting to cut into the budgets of most Americans. A gallon of gas is around $4 here in Houston, TX and it just seems to keep rising. Fuel conservation has to become a priority to a ton of people if the increase in sells of hybrids around here is any indication. Let’s take a look at a few ways to reduce your need for gasoline on a weekly basis.
Tips to Save Gas #1 – Carpooling
You can reduce the need to fill up multiple times a week by carpooling with other drivers. Try checking around the office to see if any workers are already riding together to work. If so, maybe they would have room for you too. If there is none, you can start your own carpool.
If that is a bust too, sites like can help you find other people that live near you and also work with you that would like to carpool too. You can drive and get contributions for gas, be a passenger and toss in some money, or alternate and simply both save on some trips. You could save money on gasoline and may even get to use your city’s carpool lanes.
Tips to Save Gas #2 – Telecommute
Telecommuting is becoming an option for many government and private company employees. My company doesn’t allow it, but many other companies have started seeing the benefits. Employers are allowing workers to work from home a few days a month, which means less driving and dealing with traffic. Everyday that you work from home is a day that you don’t have to fill up your car.
Tips to Save Gas #3 – Use Cruise Control
Most cars built today come with cruise control as a standard option. Take advantage of cruise control when on highways, freeways, and expressways to save money on gas. Your car will maintain a constant speed, which uses less gas. Accelerating burns gas at a much faster rate than just coasting on cruise control. This option will not work for morning commutes in stop and go traffic like mine, but you can keep it in mind for vacations and weekend trips.
Tips to Save Gas #4 – Unload the Weight
Did you know that your car uses more gas when it carries more weight? Your fuel mileage is actually worse if your car is packed down with heavy items in the back seat and trunk. I didn’t actually buy into this until I finally dropped off a few bags of clothes to Goodwill and removed the dog kennel from my back seat – I increased my miles per gallon by about 10% overnight!
What other gas saving tips can you think of for all of us right now?
Don’t forget maintenance and maintaining tire pressure. Changing your oil helps the car last long. Air and gas filters can reduce you MPG by at least 2-4 miles per gallon.
@krantcents, good one! I stink at this…
These are actually very good tips tat will work. I was expecting the proved false buying your gas at certain times of the day.
@Tommy@product reviews, glad you agree!
Good point Krantcents. I was going to say tire pressure too. Also keeping your foot off the gas once you exceed 60 MPH will save some gas too b/c that’s when MPG really starts to drop off.
@Brandon, I do most of my driving in slow commuting traffic, so no worries here, lol. :-)
Batch things.
My wife and I live 45 minutes from the nearest large town. We try not to spend all the money and time getting there unless we can run a few errands at once.
So instead of leaving the house 2-3 times a day for errands, plan a little and make just 1 trip.