Most people pledge to give a certain amount of money to charity each year. For some, they do a percentage of salary, others do a set dollar amount.
We’re now through 4 months of 2011. Are you on track to hit your target giving? There are lots of reasons we should donate to charity. Pick one. And there are lots of deserving charities. If you need help, try one of these:
A friend of mine is participating in the Race for Hope this coming Sunday. Almost everyone has been touched by someone with Cancer, so it’s hard to go wrong here.
Love Drop targets one family each month that is going through a difficult time financially. This month they are helping the Kahlen family, which has been hit hard by the economy and their daughter’s serious medical condition, tuberous sclerosis.
Don’t let yourself miss this goal. Giving money is the easiest way to participate! All it takes is a minute or two and you can make a difference in someone’s live. Give it a shot and you’ll feel great!
Readers, do you talk the talk but not walk the walk? What organization have you donated to this year?
This is a blog started by a friend of mine to highlight 1 charity per week over the course of a year. It’s a great resource to help you think about where to donate your money. Check it out:
We donate on an annual cycle @ Christmas time.
Last year we donated to:
local Women’s Shelter
Childrens Foundation (for used children)
Regional Aids Network
Humane Society
Youth Emergency Shelter
Testicular Cancer
We wrote about it here:
And got 36.5% tax return on the donations. Good to see the government lessen the financial hit for those willing/able to donate to their communities.